
Wake up at least now!

It is yesterday once more in Mumbai and India, but more brutal and more psychologically damaging than ever before. Where is the Intelligence, National Security or even a co-ordinated response to a deadly terrorist attack on a high risk location? This post sums up a Mumbaikar's utter frustration.
'The ‘spirit of the Mumbaikar’ meme be damned, the state needs to recognize this for what it is: helplessness. We go to work come hell or high water [where Bombay is concerned, hell and high water, literally so] because as long as we are alive [over 80 of our fellows, going about their usual business 12 hours ago, are no longer alive—spare them a thought, a prayer], there is nothing else to do; nothing else we can do.'
National security is not (only) about managing nuclear weapons. It is about managing our huge cities, controlling crime and vigilance. For a start, does the traffic cop or the constable at a railway station know what suspicious behaviour is? At least now, let us honour the innocents killed and get serious on security. Enough hubris about our economy and our talented people. Protect them.

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