
Full length movies on You Tube

Indian movies are slowly spreading all over the world but if you are ever hardpressed to find a DVD, just go to You Tube ( As a bonus to make you feel good, they are all legally uploaded!


The other

SPQR or Senatus Populus Que Romanus (the Senate and People of Rome) is the tagline of the city. Like all acronyms it has an alternative and derisive expansion, recently used by Berlusconi's most important ally. Much fun and indignation in the press.


Believe it or not.....

.....the University of Vienna is holding a 3-day international conference from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October on "Shah Rukh Khan and Global Bollywood"! (Link in German)


Italian affairs... update

Read here about the recent churning in Italian politics (that can betranslated as Aaya Ram and Gaya Ram in Indian politics!)

The Billboards of Venice

Venice today is one big advertising board albeit a tastefully designed one. But it has a crucial benefit, funding the tottering city's maintenance. Link.